Shannon and I, that is.
We decided to send out a few quick tips regarding moving from remote instruction to online teaching.
Here goes:
I would also like to provide a couple of resources for those of us looking for ideas and inspiration.
The first one is The K. Patricia Cross Academy. They have a ton of resources available if you are looking for some new ideas. They have videos and materials available for download, organized by broad pedagogical categories. Warning: this website can be a time sink once you start looking at their stuff. Bookmark this site, you will come back to it often.
Then, I would highly recommend two books on online teaching.
The first one is one I have mentioned before: Flower Darby’s Small Teaching Online (COD Library link).
I have mentioned before that I am a huge fan of the Small Teaching approach (COD Library link to the original Small Teaching book by James Lang).
Flower Darby’s version adapts the key concepts of small teaching to online teaching. If you are still kinda new, or exploring online teaching, it is always best to start small and manageable, so, this book is a really good starting point.
The other book I want to mention is a different animal entirely. The Online Teaching Survival Guide (COD Library link) is a pretty big book, but not, I think, one that you read cover to cover and put away.
This is not a book that is much about technology but almost entirely about pedagogy and practice. As such, this is a book that should always be on your desk or within reaching distance because you will come back to it over and over, as you define your online teaching practice. This book covers almost everything about the pedagogy online teaching with a lot of tips and examples, organized by the course chronology (beginning of the course, early middle, late middle, and wrapping up. Basically, the way to use this book is to just go to it every time you are trying to solve a problem, be it about content, grading, or communicating.
So, as you design your classes for Summer, moving away from remote instruction based on urgency, and towards online teaching for the more condensed Summer sessions, I cannot emphasize how useful you will find this book.
As always, thanks for reading.