by Christina Sabo | Aug 20, 2019 | Events, Featured
Getting Started New to Blackboard? Need a refresher? Here are links to some things you’ll need to know to get everything set up and ready to go for the semester. Software RecommendationsStart the SemesterAdd ContentBest Practices FAQs Blackboard Updates...
by Christina Sabo | Aug 13, 2019 | Events, Featured
While you might be more comfortable heading into the back-to-school season as an instructor, there’s no reason you can’t step into the student role as well. Especially since fall is absolutely loaded with opportunities to learn new things about technology,...
by Christina Sabo | Aug 6, 2019 | Events, Featured
In-Service is fast approaching and we’re getting ready to share all kinds of great back-to-school tips, tools and support with you! Here’s where you can find us during In-Service (find the full schedule here). Thursday, August 15th We’ll be leading a...
by Christina Sabo | Jun 11, 2019 | Events, Featured
We’ve got a new course! It’s called Blackboard for New Users, and as you might imagine, it covers some of the basic elements of using Blackboard. While the course is designed to help those who are entirely new to Blackboard learn how to use it, if you feel...
by Christina Sabo | Jun 6, 2019 | Events, Featured
Do you have Adobe Flash videos, animations, or linked content in any of your courses? You’ll need to replace them ASAP, otherwise you might end up with broken and inaccessible content. While Adobe doesn’t plan to fully phase out Flash until the end of...
by Christina Sabo | May 30, 2019 | Events, Featured
Looking to keep your brain from turning to mush this summer? We’ve got you covered. There are more workshops, courses, and conferences than you can shake a stick at this summer. Workshops and Courses We have a number of upcoming courses and workshops being...