Welcome Back,  How Can We Help You?

Welcome Back, How Can We Help You?

It’s that time again: back-to-school is here! The first few weeks of the semester can be hectic, but if you’re having issues with Blackboard, want help getting your courses set up, need to make some amazing videos, are looking for some advice on which...
Academic Integrity Training Opportunities

Academic Integrity Training Opportunities

Looking to learn more about best practices when it comes to ensuring academic integrity? You’re in luck! Whether you want to prevent plagiarism, model good research practices, or even find some tools for teaching ethics, you’ll find plenty of help at...
Upcoming Events for Summer 2018

Upcoming Events for Summer 2018

Summer is a great time to relax and kick back. It’s also a great time to work on professional development! We’ve got loads of ways you can keep your brain fit this summer both on campus and off. Learning Technologies Training Opportunities We’ve got...