by Christina Sabo | Sep 19, 2023 | Blackboard, Featured
Trying to keep all your important dates straight between multiple calendars can be a challenge, but it is possible to sync your Blackboard calendar with your external calendars or vice versa! Keeping everything in one centralized location can help ensure you stay on...
by Christina Sabo | Sep 12, 2023 | Featured, Professional Development
Looking to add some PD to your schedule this fall? There’s plenty to choose from, whether you want to take a quick class or attend an educational conference. Workshops and Courses Here’s what’s going on locally at COD this fall! We’ll be offering several...
by Christina Sabo | Sep 5, 2023 | Blackboard, Featured
Due to data storage caps on the Blackboard SaaS system, IT will be removing courses from the Summer 2022 Term from our system. Removal will begin on September 6, 2023. This means that if you have courses and/or content from...
by Christina Sabo | Aug 29, 2023 | Blackboard, Featured, YuJa
Some of you may have been teaching over the summer and have already seen the improvements made to Blackboard and YuJa, but if you’re just coming back after a relaxing summer away from the classroom here are some of the updates you’ll see in these tech...
by Christina Sabo | Aug 22, 2023 | Featured
Welcome back! We know the first few weeks of classes are always a stressful time, so if you need any help and support we’re here! In this post, we’re sharing our hours, some support resources, and an important reminder about backing up course content from...
by Christina Sabo | Aug 15, 2023 | Featured
It’s In-Service time again! Whether you’re attending all the events in-person or plan to do some online sessions, here’s the full schedule of events for the next few days: Wednesday, August 16th 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. President’s Welcome Address:...