The migration is complete and Blackboard’s back! So what can you do now that it’s back up? Well, the answer is, whatever you want!
Blackboard is fully operational and everything should be working just as it was prior to the SaaS migration. You can get started with your course prep, do some cleanup, or learn some new Blackboard tricks. Here are some things we advise getting done in Blackboard now that it’s back:
Setup Integration Links
If you’ll be using any Bb integrations this term, especially publisher content, this is the time to get it set up and ready to go. You can set up your courses on the publisher site, then link or sync them with your course on Blackboard.
Embed Your YuJa Recordings
Any new videos recorded over break can now be uploaded to YuJa and embedded into your Blackboard courses in their respective places.
Link to Files Saved to OneDrive
If you’re storing any large files on OneDrive, you can now link to them on your Blackboard course so they’ll be readily available when students need them.
Learn Alternate Methods for Student Submissions
While you can have students submit files directly through Blackboard, large file sizes (those over 100 MB) can add up quickly and aren’t ideal for storing in Blackboard. This is especially true with respect to videos. These files can often be cumbersome to upload (Blackboard doesn’t have an upload progress bar so it’s not easy to tell how long it will take) and since you can’t use the inline grading tools anyway, it makes more sense to keep them outside of Blackboard.
You can manage student submissions of large files using OneDrive or YuJa.
Download Your Fall 2021 Collaborate Ultra Recordings
Our recording storage in Collaborate Ultra is limited, so content must be removed after the end of each term. If you want to backup or reuse videos from the past term that were recorded with Collaborate Ultra, you will need to download the recordings before the deletion deadline. You may store the recording files on your own devices or share them with current and future classes via YuJa.
All recordings created through the end of 2021FA term will be deleted from the Collaborate Ultra server on February 1, 2022.
You’ll find instructions below to help you in this process:
- Enable Recording Downloads in Collaborate
- Watch a video on enabling and downloading Collaborate Ultra Recordings
- Upload a Video to YuJa
- Creating and Sharing Folders in YuJa
If you run into any issues or have questions about this process, you can always contact us for assistance at!