by Monnier | Feb 5, 2024 | Blackboard, Blackboard Ultra, Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger
Of course, at the heart of every course is the content. Creating, copying or importing content in Ultra is extremely easy. Let’s start with the copying part. After all, no one wants to reinvent the wheel unless one really has to. Thankfully, Ultra allows us to...
by Monnier | Feb 1, 2024 | Blackboard, Blackboard Ultra, Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger
Greetings, colleagues. For this first post, I thought I’d just do a basic overview of the Ultra Course View (UCV) in comparison with our current course view. This will give you a first impression of what to expect. So, here is the basic landing page of my 8-week...
by Monnier | Jan 29, 2024 | Blackboard, Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger
By popular demand (not really), I am resurrecting my blogging in collaboration with the Learning Technology office. I received a lot of good feedback from the last time I did this, so, hopefully, you guys will find my posts interesting and helpful. However, this time...
by Monnier | May 6, 2020 | Blackboard, Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger, Video, YuJa
Well, folks, this is it: my last post of the term (because next week is finals and I’m going to be swamped). I want to thank everyone who did the clicky thing 28 times… that’s right, I wrote 28 posts (including this one) for this blog over the course...
by Monnier | May 4, 2020 | Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger
So far, in these posts, I have mostly discussed tech tools or Blackboard features that I like, think are useful, and use with various frequency. In this post, I want to turn the tables and talk about the tools and features I don’t like, the tools I don’t...